About BAVC
The Bulgarian Association for Veterinary Cardiology is an association between colleagues veterinarians with interest and experience in veterinary cardiology. Our goal is not only to create a platform where we can discuss, publish and read articles and clinical cases with various cardiac pathologies and therapy, but also forming a society with common standards and criteria to follow in Veterinary Cardiology.Become a BAVC member

Сдружение БАВК IBAN: BG27UBBS88881000775489 BIC: UBBSBGSF, Обединена Българска Банка ООД (ОББ) основание: членски внос за съответен период, името на новия член
Honorary members
June Boon- Fort Collins, Colorado, USAMark Rishniw, DVM- Cornell University,New York, USA
Luigi Venco, DVM- Pavia, Italy
Christos Coutinas, DVM- Aristotel University, Thessaloniki ,Greece

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